ICR glossary

ICR glossary

The ICR glossary is filled with terms that are in some way relevant to entrepreneurship and the management of your organization.

What is a baseline measurement?
A baseline measurement in an organization is an initial assessment conducted to...
What is 12 month rolling forecast?
A 12-month rolling forecast is a prediction of how your organization's...
What is a scope of actvities?
The scope of activities refers to the range and volume of activities that an...
What is an administration?
Administration refers to the systematic recording, tracking, and organizing of...
What is a closing the books process?
The closing the books process is the procedure by which an organization...
What is a closing process in administration?
The closing the books process is the procedure by which an organization...
What is an audit?
An audit is a systematic examination or evaluation of an organization, process,...
What is a balance sheet?
A balance sheet is a financial statement that provides a snapshot of an...
What is a company culture?
Company culture reflects how we do things together in our company, particularly...
What is manageable?
By manageable, we mean that processes, activities, or risks are kept within...
What is controlling processes?
Controlling processes refers to the activities within your organization aimed at...
What is a tax return?
A tax return is a formal statement that businesses and individuals submit...
What is policy?
Policy operates at the tactical level of strategic planning. It is derived from...
What is ICT availability?
Availability in ICT (Information and Communication Technology) refers to the...
What is a payment term?
A payment term refers to the period or duration within which a buyer must pay...
What is a trustworthy image?
A trustworthy image is the perception that an organization projects as being...
What is a BHAG?
A BHAG, which stands for 'Big Hairy Audacious Goal', is a long-term goal...
What is a brand?
A brand is an identifier that makes a company distinct from other entities (in...
What is brand management?
Brand management, also known as branding, encompasses all online and offline...
What is branding?
Branding, also known as brand management, encompasses all online and offline...
What is a budget?
When we talk about the budget, we are referring to the availability of financial...
What is a business model?
The business model of your company shows the fundamental basis of how your...
What is a buyer persona?
A buyer persona is a detailed profile of your target (ideal) customer....
What is cash flow?
Cash flow refers to the movement of money in and out of a business linked to its...
What is a communication policy?
The communication policy consists of the guidelines an organization uses to...
What is a procurement communication policy?
The communication policy consists of the guidelines an organization uses to...
What is a communication plan?
A communication plan is a document in which an organization outlines how it will...
What is compliance?
Compliance means adhering to laws and regulations that apply to your company or...
What is a competitive position?
The competitive position refers to your company's standing in relation to...
What is a confrontation matrix?
A confrontation matrix clarifies the impact of strengths and weaknesses on...
What is continuity?
Continuity refers to the uninterrupted continuation of ongoing business or...
What is ICT continuity?
ICT continuity refers to an organization's ability to keep its information...
What is a control activity?
A control activity is an action designed to manage risks within an organization...
What are control activities?
A control activity is an action designed to manage risks within an organization...
What is an accounts payable administration?
Accounts payable administration is a part of financial management that provides...
What is culture?
Culture (here: company culture) reflects how we do things together in our...
What is an accounts receivable administration
Accounts receivable administration is a crucial part of financial...
What is a distribution channel?
Distribution channels refer to the methods used to get your product or service...
What are distribution channels?
Distribution channels refer to the methods used to get your product or service...
What is a target audience?
The target audience is the specific group of people or entities that an...
What is a goal?
Goals are specific, measurable, and achievable targets set to attain a...
What is lead time?
Lead time is a measure of the duration from the beginning to the end of a...
What is sustainability?
We define sustainability as all actions taken to prevent human activities from...
What is EBIT?
EBIT (also known as Operating Income) refers to all revenues (sales) minus all...
What is effective?
Effective means achieving a goal successfully. An effort is effective when it...
What is effectiveness?
Effective means achieving a goal successfully. An effort is effective when it...
What is efficiency?
Efficiency means achieving a goal with minimal time or money. A measure might be...
What is efficient?
Efficient means doing something in a way that uses the least amount of time or...
What is equity?
Equity represents the portion of your organization’s financing that comes...
What is employer branding?
What is employer branding? Employer branding is the identity that sets your...
What is external analysis?
An external analysis is conducted as part of a SWOT analysis. This type of...
What is billing?
Billing refers to the bills issued for services or products provided to...
What is a financial plan?
A financial plan provides a financial translation of the vision and strategic...
What is financial accounting?
In financial accounting, we oversee your organization's finances. The...
What are financial resources?
Financial resources refer to the availability of money. They are the lifeblood...
What is financing?
Financing refers to the process of obtaining money or capital to fund a specific...
What is flexible staff?
Flexible staff refers to staff who are not on your company's payroll....
What is ICT functionality?
By ICT functionality, we mean the assurance that data processing within an...
What is governance SME?
Our definition of SME Governance involves steering and controlling to achieve...
What is a general ledger?
The general ledger records all financial transactions arising from business...
What are growth circles?
To facilitate organizing and structuring your company, we use the ICR growth...
What are growth principles?
A principle is a belief (also called a fundamental concept) that underpins all...
What are hard skills?
With hard skills, we refer to all technical abilities, or the measurable and...
What are HR tools?
HR tools refer to the instruments, methods, processes, and systems used by Human...
What is ICR?
The ICR Growth Compass is designed to ensure that you know whether you are on...
What is an ICR business coach?
Coaches, consultants and advisors strive to not only give advice, but also to...
What is an ICS (In Control Statement)?
An ICS (= InControlStatement) is a declaration in which the management board...
What is ICT?
ICT stands for Information and Communication Technology and is a field that...
What is an ICT application?
An ICT application is a software program or application designed to perform...
What is ICT management?
ICT management refers to the process of keeping ICT infrastructures and...
What is an ICT policy?
ICT policy is part of the strategic ICT plan and primarily focuses on the...
What is an ICT infrastructure?
ICT infrastructure refers to the collection of hardware, software, networks,...
What is an ICT plan?
The ICT plan is a component of the strategic ICT plan, primarily focused on the...
What is an ICT platform?
In the field of ICT, a platform is a foundation on which software is developed....
What is an ICT strategy?
An ICT strategy is a key component of the strategic ICT plan, primarily focused...
What is an ICT system?
The ICT system is a component of the overall information system and is an...
What is an ideal customer?
Your ideal customer is the one you enjoy working with the most. This type of...
What is image?
The image is the perception or impression that a product, brand, person, or...
What is damage to reputation?
Reputation refers to the image or perception that a product, brand, person, or...
What is an incident?
An incident is an unforeseen event that disrupts normal operations and can have...
What is inControl?
InControl refers to the ability to manage, regulate, or direct situations,...
What is an InControlRating?
The ICR Growth Compass is designed to ensure that you know whether you are on...
What is an In Control Statement (ICS)?
An ICS (= In Control Statement) is a declaration in which the management board...
What is In Control?
InControl refers to the ability to manage, regulate, or direct situations,...
What is an In Control Rating?
The ICR Growth Compass is designed to ensure that you know whether you are on...
What is a procurement policy?
The procurement policy is part of the strategic procurement plan and focuses...
What is a procurement contract?
A procurement contract is a legally binding agreement between a buyer and a...
What is an In Control Statement (ICS)?
An ICS (= InControlStatement) is a declaration in which the management board...
What are procurement tools?
Procurement tools are methods, techniques, or strategies used by organizations...
What are procurement logistics?
Procurement logistics focuses on optimizing the flow of incoming goods and the...
What is procurement market research?
Procurement market research is the process of gathering, analyzing, and...
What is a procurement mix?
The procurement mix refers to the combination of procurement tools, such as...
What is a procurement plan?
The procurement plan is part of the strategic procurement plan and is...
What is a procurement process?
The procurement process encompasses all the steps and activities necessary to...
What is a procurement strategy?
The procurement strategy is part of the strategic procurement plan, focusing...
What is innovative power?
Innovative power refers to the ability to develop new or improved products,...
What are instructions?
Instructions are detailed steps that employees need to follow to carry out...
What is an internal analysis?
An internal analysis is a key component of a SWOT analysis. It involves...
What are investments?
Investments can involve outgoing cash flows for buildings, machinery, ICT...
What is an investment budget?
An investment budget refers to the amount of money set aside for a specific...
What are investment budgets?
An investment budget refers to the amount of money set aside for a specific...
What is an investment process?
The investment process refers to the steps and procedures followed when making...
What is deployment of capacity?
Deployment of capacity involves all the resources necessary to realize the...
What are annual accounts?
Annual accounts refer to the balance sheet and the profit and loss account,...
What are capital-intensive expenditures?
Capital-intensive investments refer to investments involving a significant...
What are key figures?
Key figures are measurable data points that provide insights into an...
What is a core process?
The core process of your organization is fundamentally where money is earned....
What are core values?
Core values can be described as the behavioral aspects that define what our...
What is a chain?
A chain begins with the customer and is a sequence of consecutive processes...
What is supply chain management?
Supply Chain Management (SCM) refers to the management of the flow of goods and...
What is a Key Performance Indicator (KPI)?
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are measurable values that indicate your...
What is customer experience?
Customer experience encompasses the perceptions that customers have through all...
What is a customer portfolio?
The composition of the types of customers your company has (measured by various...
What is customer satisfaction?
Customer satisfaction is an assessment of the quality delivered by your company....
What is a customer satisfaction survey?
A customer satisfaction survey is a systematic method for collecting, analyzing,...
What is a cost structure?
The cost structure refers to how costs within your organization are built up and...
What is creditworthiness?
Creditworthiness refers to the extent to which a company can meet its financial...
What is a KPI?
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are measurable values that indicate your...
What is a Critical Success Factor (CSF)?
Critical Success Factors (CSFs) are those elements that are crucial for...
What is a CSF?
Critical Success Factors (CSFs) are those elements that are crucial for...
What is quality?
By quality, we mean the degree to which something is good. Quality is essential...
What is a quality policy?
A quality policy is an established guideline within an organization aimed at...
What are quality requirements?
Quality requirements refer to the specific criteria or standards that a product,...
What is quality management?
Quality management revolves around ensuring a predefined quality level of a...
What is quality level?
The quality level indicates the desired performance standard of products,...
What is a lead?
Leads are potential customers who have shown interest in a product or service...
What is leadership?
Leadership is about the ability of an individual or a group to influence and...
What is leadership risk?
Leadership risk refers to the potential dangers and challenges arising from the...
What is supplier policy?
A supplier policy outlines a set of guidelines established by an organization to...
What is delivery reliability?
Delivery reliability refers to the extent to which the correct quantities are...
What are delivery and payment terms?
Delivery and payment terms are the written conditions, often filed with the...
What is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)?
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a form of business operation that...
What is a management cycle?
The periodic management cycle refers to how you are informed about your progress...
What is marketing?
Marketing is the discipline that optimally connects your company (or...
What is marketing policy?
The marketing policy is an integral part of the strategic marketing plan,...
What are marketing goals?
Marketing goals clarify how your company's marketing efforts contribute to...
What is a marketing goal?
Marketing goals clarify how your company's marketing efforts contribute to...
What are marketing tools?
When we talk about marketing tools, we refer to the means employed to achieve...
What is a marketing mix?
With the right combination of marketing tools, you can achieve your marketing...
What is a marketing plan?
The marketing plan is part of the strategic marketing plan, an outcome of the...
What is a marketing process?
The marketing process is a series of steps that an organization follows to...
What is a marketing strategy?
The marketing strategy is a crucial component of the strategic marketing plan,...
What is marktet share?
Market share is the percentage of total sales in a specific market that is...
What is employee engagement?
Employee engagement refers to the emotional commitment and involvement of...
What is market research?
Market research is the process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting...
What is employee satisfaction?
Employee satisfaction refers to the degree to which employees are content with...
What is a long-term plan?
In our long term plan (strategy), we outline how and at what pace we will...
What are measurable goals?
Measurable goals (or standards or norms) are benchmarks or guidelines that...
What is an employee satisfaction survey?
Employee satisfaction refers to the extent to which employees are content with...
What is a mission?
The mission is inspiring and provides a concise and powerful description of what...
What is SME governance?
Our definition of SME Governance involves steering and controlling to achieve...
What is CSR?
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a form of business operation that...
What are milestones?
Literally, milestones are significant facts or circumstances that measure...
What is an employee engagement survey?
Employee engagement refers to the emotional commitment and involvement of...
What is a norm?
Norms (or standards) are benchmarks or guidelines that define what is considered...
What is an objective?
An objective can best be described as a long-term goal that an organization...
What is offline?
Not being connected to the internet. While online presence and digital marketing...
What is online?
Being connected to the internet. The importance of being online for...
What is distinctive capability?
Distinctive capability is what makes your company so special in the eyes of your...
What is operational excellence?
In operational excellence, the customer is at the center. The goal of...
What are market developments?
The market is constantly evolving, with numerous developments that can impact...
What is an organizational chart?
An organizational chart is a visual representation of the structure of an...
What is optimal staffing?
Optimal staffing refers to the best possible mix of quality and quantity of...
What is a Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL)?
Qualified leads are those assessed to have a higher-than-average chance of...
What is an organizational profile?
An organizational profile provides a clear outline of the key characteristics of...
What is performance reporting?
By performance reports, we refer to the reports that demonstrate how employees,...
What is a PDCA cycle?
Using Deming's PDCA cycle, which stands for Plan Do Check Act, continuous...
What is Personal Development Plan (PDP)?
A Personal Development Plan (PDP) is a structured document where an employee...
What is a periodic management cycle?
The periodic management cycle refers to how you are informed about your progress...
What is a plan?
A plan diverts focus from strategy and policy and primarily targets the...
What is price policy?
A price policy refers to the strategic decisions and actions a company takes...
What are primary recordings?
Primary recording refers to the process of capturing and documenting original...
What are procedures?
A procedure is defined as a series of work instructions that must be performed...
What is a process?
A process is a series of related activities or steps carried out to achieve a...
What is a process owner?
A process owner is responsible for the correct and high-quality execution of a...
What is a process manager?
What is a process manager? A process manager (also known as process owner) is...
What is process improvement?
What is process improvement? Process improvement refers to the modifications...
What is a proxy arrangement?
A procuration regulation, also known as a proxy arrangement, is a formal policy...
What is a production budget?
A production budget is a financial plan that outlines the expected costs and...
What are public relations?
Public Relations (PR) refers to the strategic communication processes that...
What is reporting?
Reporting is the process of gathering, analyzing, and presenting data and...
What is a reporting process?
The reporting process is a systematic method of collecting, analyzing, and...
What is personal ambition of an entrepreneur?
Personal ambition is the desire or motivation of you as an individual to achieve...
What are guidelines?
Guidelines are designed to provide a framework within which company employees...
What is a risk?
A risk is the possibility of an event occurring that negatively affects the...
What is a risk-control matrix?
The purpose of a risk-control matrix is to clearly outline: The risks inherent...
What is Route ICR?
Route ICR (fully: Route InControlRating) symbolizes being in control of the...
What is a sales funnel?
A sales funnel is a model that illustrates the stages potential customers go...
What is a Sales Qualitfied Lead (SQL)?
Qualified leads are those assessed to have a higher-than-average chance of...
What is Service Level Agreement (SLA)?
A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is a written contract between a provider and a...
What is SMART?
Goals should be as SMART as possible. SMART goals are important for...
What are soft skills?
When we talk about soft skills, we mean all the abilities that add depth and...
What is a standard?
Standards (or norms) are benchmarks or guidelines that define what is considered...
What is standardization?
By standardization, we mean imposing a certain norm or standard for the design,...
What is a pay off?
A pay off is a short, powerful phrase used to encapsulate the core message or...
What is entrepreneurial ambition?
Within the ICR approach, a challenging entrepreneurial ambition is the...
What is a strategic ICT plan?
The strategic ICT plan is derived from the organization's overall strategy...
What is a strategic procurement plan?
The strategic procurement plan derives from the organizational strategy (the...
What is a strategic investment plan?
The strategic investment plan stems from the organization-level strategy (the...
What is a strategic HR plan?
The strategic HR plan stems from the organization-level strategy (the long-term...
What is a strategy?
In our strategy (long-term plan), we outline how and at what pace we will...
What is a strategic marketing plan?
The strategic marketing plan is aimed at achieving marketing goals and is...
What is a strategic core process plan?
The strategic core process plan stems from the organization's overall...
What are strategic goals?
Our strategic goals are the specific results we aim to achieve to make our...
What is a target value?
A target value is a specific, measurable value that an organization aims to...
What is management information?
Management information, also known as steering information, provides...
What is a SWOT analysis?
The SWOT analysis is a situational analysis that forms the basis of a successful...
What is teamintuition?
Teamintuition refers to the extent to which team members can seamlessly and...
What is successful entrepreneurship?
Successful entrepreneurship means that an entrepreneur is able to translate...
What is a theme?
Within ICR, we describe a theme as an element used to achieve an objective. For...
What is transparancy?
By transparency, we mean openness, visibility, and accessibility within your...
What is validate?
Validation is the process of verifying whether something meets the specified...
What is permanent staff?
Personnel who are on your company's payroll. Permanent staff provide...
What is safety?
Safety is a relative concept, as nothing is entirely without risk under all...
What is ICT security?
ICT security, also known as information security or cybersecurity, involves...
What is a change process?
Changes are inevitable when the set of activities required to transform input...
What is a responsibility area?
A responsibility area within ICR is a clearly defined and delineated segment...
What is a culture of improvement?
A culture of continuous improvement is an organizational environment where the...
What are siloed processes?
Siloed processes are those whose contributions to the overall chain are unclear....
What is a sales policy?
The sales policy encompasses the overarching guidelines, principles, and...
What is a sales plan?
The sales plan is a detailed operational blueprint that outlines specific...
What is a sales process?
The sales process encompasses all activities required to deliver products or...
What is a vision?
A vision outlines where you want to go, what you want to mean to your target...
What is pre-financing?
One example of pre-financing is keeping products in stock so you can deliver...
What is value creation?
Value creation literally means generating value, such as money, customers, or...
What is depreciation?
Depreciation is an accounting process in which the cost of a durable asset (such...
What is debt capital?
Debt capital, also known as external capital, refers to the money that an...
What is a work instruction?
A work instruction is a directive necessary for performing tasks, providing...
What is a profit and loss statement?
A profit and loss statement is a financial report that shows an...
What is a successful entrepreneur?
Successful entrepreneurship means that an entrepreneur is able to translate...
What is team intuition?
What is team intuition? Team intuition refers to the extent to which team...
What is employer brand?
What is an employer brand? Employer branding is the identity that sets your...
What is Net Promoter Score (NPS)?
What is the Net Promoter Score (NPS)? The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a metric...
What is meeting rhythm?
What is meeting rhythm? Meeting rhythm refers to the regularity and structure...
What is ambition?
What is ambition? Ambition is the desire or motivation to achieve something...
What is a control?
A control refers to a mechanism put in place to manage risks and ensure that...
What is a risk object?
A risk object is a specific element, process, activity, person, or system within...

The ICR glossary is filled with terms that are in some way relevant to entrepreneurship and the management of your organization.