PDCA cycle
What is a PDCA cycle?
The PDCA cycle, also known as Plan-Do-Check-Act, as developed by Deming, focuses on the continuous improvement of processes as the foundation of the periodic management cycle. This approach is widely used in practice.
The PDCA cycle enables monitoring to ensure alignment with the objectives of multi-year plans while simultaneously implementing process improvements.
Initially, current process activities are examined. Then, a plan is designed to modify these activities, aiming to enhance the processes. Finally, objectives are attached to these improvements to make them measurable.
This phase involves executing the planned process improvements.
Here, the outcomes of the process improvements are assessed to see if everything went according to plan. This involves comparing the results with the original situation and checking if they meet the objectives set for the process improvements.
Based on the findings from the previous step, adjustments are made to the process to address any deviations from the plan.
In the PDCA cycle, the executive level is responsible for the highest level of process management.
Management acts as a bridge between the executive level and the employee level.
The essence of the PDCA cycle is that every employee, as a participant in a process, is capable of evaluating and enhancing their own work methods.
Ultimately, the actions of an employee are a derived sub-process of the highest level.
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