About ICR online business software
InControl en genieten van ondernemen

Does your organization have sustainable success?

Create balance and peace with the ICR online business software

Why work with ICR online business software?

Entrepreneurs stick their necks out and are incredibly important to our economy. Unfortunately, a good balance between work and private life is often lacking. And that causes the necessary unrest. We therefore help entrepreneurs and organizations to find balance and peace through manageable and controlled growth, with the aim of a healthy organization and sustainable success.

A very important cause of the aforementioned unrest is the lack of knowledge and skills. And that should not be necessary in this day and age. In concrete terms, ICR supports entrepreneurs in discovering and realizing their true ambition. So that they get satisfaction from what they do and have a good balance between work and private life. Because if your life is in balance, you feel good about yourself and that ensures a positive mindset.

Paul Joore is the ambitious founder of ICR online business software. In addition, he is also the author of the entrepreneur book 'Succesvol groei doe je zo!'. "I believe in setting seemingly unattainable goals. Challenging yourself, innovating and continuously improving. Supported by a well-structured organization."

Paul has tens of thousands of flying hours in the business world, with a background as an entrepreneur, coach, interim manager and former Certified Public Accountant. With the focus always on achieving challenging goals as effectively and efficiently as possible: or, successful by being inControl, in the entire process from real ambition to result.

All this only works by thinking, planning and acting from a goal-oriented structure. Within SMEs, knowledge and experience in this area were lacking and well-thought-out solutions were not available. That is why Paul decided to create this himself.

In many SME companies, 'delusion of the day' reigns. As a result, entrepreneurs are not in Control when it comes to achieving goals. Let alone challenging goals. As a result, they do not realize their real ambition. Worse still, for many, that ambition is not even crystal clear. And how can you work goal-oriented without having a real goal? Logically, there can be no balance between work and private life. And no balance means no peace.

So the ICR software helps entrepreneurs and teams to be in Control in the entire process from ambition to result. With the ICR "InControlRating" of your company as a growth compass. Very clear and handy to know how your company is doing via 1 number. So that you know whether you will achieve your goals and be successful from this starting point. And if the score is disappointing, then you also know what you need to work on to improve.

The ICR approach does not work like a magic wand, but is an all-encompassing management methodology. With the right implementation you achieve unprecedented results. And so you work step by step on a better balance in your life, you feel good about yourself and you have a positive mindset!

‘If I had asked the people what they wanted, they would have said: faster horses.’ - Henry Ford

The mission of ICR online business software

ICR's mission is to help entrepreneurs and organizations find balance and peace through manageable and controlled growth, with the aim of a healthy organization and sustainable success. Because if your life is in balance, you feel good about yourself and that ensures a positive mindset. In concrete terms, we therefore support entrepreneurs in discovering and realizing their true ambition. In doing so, we contribute to their success.

So that they get satisfaction from what they do and have a good balance between work and private life. In practice, this often means making the impossible possible. With the help of a well-thought-out structure & organization. Or in other words: making unattainable goals achievable. Because if entrepreneurs realize their true ambition, that makes them successful.

But successful entrepreneurship is absolutely not possible without growth (= progress). Both getting better and getting bigger. And always in the order "first better, then bigger". It is also a fact that you cannot grow without the use of personnel.

That is why you ensure goal-oriented focus with the ICR step-by-step plan and a well-thought-out structure & organization, together with your team. And you are constantly working on a highly developed team intuition. In this way, together with ICR, you make the thought impossible, possible!

The use of the online Route ICR platform for successful entrepreneurship also offers business coaches numerous advantages. It is a very effective way to help entrepreneurs achieve their goals. Especially because knowledge and skills stick in the organization and become structurally embedded in the business operations.

Within the ICR organization, we really do everything we can to make entrepreneurial dreams come true. That is in our genes and is reflected in our core values, also known as the 'ICR VIBES': Value driven | Inspire people | Best teamintuition | Exceed expectations | Smart solutions & connections.

We look forward to helping you too to go from real ambition to results!

The face behind ICR Online Business Software


Paul Joore

Founder Route ICR

Strategische partners ICR om tot operational excellence te komen.

Strategic partners

Operational Excellence

Simon Sinek about leadership

In 5 minutes, Simon Sinek explains what leadership is all about. And no, it is no coincidence that this is 100% in line with the structural application of the ICR approach!