ICR Online Business Software - Growth & Success InControl

Sustainable success through manageable & controlled growth

ICR Online Business Software means balance & peace for people & organization

Online business software

Growth & Success InControl




business coaches

Why Route ICR?

Vic Tory, the online ICR assistant explains 'why' in the video.

ICR helps entrepreneurs to find and realize their real dream, their true ambition. All for pleasure in work, a good work-life balance and therefore a positive mindset.

Are you the leader who grows your business?

Professionalism for sustainable success in organizations and companies

Company professionalism through 8 statements

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Expression of sustainable success

Conditions for winning team present/not present

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Manageable and controlled growth for sustainable success

Conditions for goal-oriented entrepreneurship?

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The need for challenging goals

Challenging goals are essential to improve and be innovative. These goals seem unachievable at first glance. But with the right approach you can make them achievable. So go for your real dream, your true ambition, no matter how challenging!

  • In practice, it turns out that many entrepreneurs do not dare to set challenging goals. Why: In summary, many are unable to achieve manageable and controlled growth for sustainable success.
  • With the right support you will overcome these points of attention. Why: You will go for your real dream, your true ambition and so your real potential. Do that by all means. Don't regret things you didn't do!
  • Make sure you have small goals for the shorter term that contribute to the higher goal. Why: This makes the whole thing easier to see and you can see progress. Motivating for your team and you have a goal-oriented focus.
... uncertainty and fear of failure

... lack of knowledge & skills

... insufficient financial resources
... too little time
... lack of motivation

Paul Joore - founder ICR: "I believe in setting seemingly unattainable goals: plan - grow - succeed. Challenging oneself, innovating, and constantly improving."

Background ICR

Paul Joore is the ambitious founder of the ICR online business software. He is also the author of the blue business book 'Grow succesfully like this!'. Paul has tens of thousands of flying hours in the business world, with a background as an entrepreneur, coach, interim manager and even several years as a former Certified Public Accountant. With the focus always on realizing goals as effectively and efficiently as possible. In practice, this means being inControl in the entire process from ambition to result.

All this only works by thinking, planning and acting from a goal-oriented structure. Because no well-thought-out solutions were available within the SME, Paul decided to create this himself. The result is the ICR online business software: provided with a professional, accessible and above all very effective approach.

structure in the foundation of growth and success in control

Online software

In many (SME) companies, 'delusion of the day' rules. As a result, entrepreneurs are not inControl when it comes to achieving goals. As a result, they also do not realize their real dream, their true ambition. Worse still, for many, that ambition is not even crystal clear. And how can you work purposefully, without having a real goal?

De ICR online business software helpt ondernemers om inControl te zijn in het proces van echte ambitie naar resultaat. Gefaciliteerd door een gestructureerd stappenplan en heldere ondersteuning in de software. Succesvolle groei door gerichte focus. Eerst beter, dan groter. Ervaar het zelf!

Beter presteren en meer verdienen met je bedrijf

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality.

 To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” - Buckminster Fuller

We want to grow. Both as a team and in terms of turnover. For me it is very surprising that an online solution can help my company to get more grip on this growth process. I am very enthusiastic about Route ICR! Unconsciously, Route ICR brings more focus and peace. It forces us to be much more aware of the consequences of choices we make. A nice aspect is the dynamic character that is also inherent to business management.

Shirley Dap - HEAL lifestyle
What was previously unattainable for many entrepreneurs, ICR has made attainable. Within EY and EYnovation, we see many young companies struggling with organizing and structuring. This complicates a successful entry into the market and the desired results are therefore not achieved. By using the ICR business software, these companies also significantly increase their chances of success.
Drs. P.J.A. Gabriëls RA, EY en EYnovation
ICR's approach is very practical and ensures that you get a little better every day. From the recognizable and clear structure of ICR it is easier to take our employees in the right direction. And that is necessary as a foundation for the enormous growth process that Dutch Bakery has been in the middle of for years now.

Boele de Jong, Dutch Bakery Group B.V.

Good SME governance & accountant: a valuable combination