What is ICT functionality?
what is ict functionality

What is ICT functionality?

By ICT functionality, we mean the assurance that data processing within an information system is performed correctly, in accordance with the descriptions in the specifications. This includes aspects like the accuracy and completeness of the processed data.

Thus, ICT functionality refers to the capabilities and features provided by information and communication technology (ICT). This encompasses various aspects of technology such as software, hardware, networks, and systems used to process, store, transmit, and manage information within organizations or for individual use. It is evident that ICT functionality can vary depending on the specific needs and objectives of an organization or user.

Without ICT, many businesses today would be unable to conduct transactions, support processes, or function at all. Therefore, it is wise to establish requirements for ICT and demonstrate how the continuity, availability, functionality, and security of the ICT environment are ensured.

Image with General Applications of the ICR online business software

General applications of the ICR Online Business Software

Sustainable success through manageable and controlled growth

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