What are HR tools?

HR tools

What are HR tools?

HR tools can be differentiated into hard HR tools, which are production-oriented, and soft HR tools, which are people-oriented.

Hard HR tools are used to measure and control (such as performance and appraisal talks, reward systems), while soft HR tools are employed for qualitative development (think of training and education, task rotation, employee participation, or flexible working hours).

Without people, nothing is achieved, so it is crucial to handle the deployment of human capital with care. Many organizations find this very challenging. Human capacity, or Human Resources (HR), significantly determines your success. At the same time, it is a tremendous challenge to assemble and optimally operate a good team. Therefore, within the Route ICR web app, we strongly encourage working towards highly developed team intuition.

Sustainable success through manageable and controlled growth

The ICR online business software helps entrepreneurs and organizations find balance and peace, through manageable and controlled growth, with the goal of a healthy organization and sustainable success. We do this through the all-encompassing ICR cycle.

Choose our successful approach and start your process to go from ambition to result with the ICR Ambition Refresher!


The comprehensive ICR cycle

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