This blog is part of the 9 growth principles of Route ICR
Each week in our blog, we focus on the 9 tips that strengthen teamintuition in your business.
Today's tip 7: “Mutual certainties & automatism enhance team intuition: ensure a learning organization and continue to grow as an entrepreneur and a business.”
You must constantly improve the quality of processes and the products or services delivered. If not, you can forget about competing. The best people need little direction but are at the same time very scarce. Therefore, guiding behavior is of utmost importance. And that starts with leading by example. Additionally, we organize and structure because in our journey to success, we want to be as little reliant on chance as possible. We create a learning organization, forming the basis for automatism and mutual certainties.
The combination of leading by example and the way of organizing and structuring significantly determines your company’s culture. Leading by example is particularly important, especially in smaller companies. With structure, you can direct your and your employees' behavior in the desired direction. Structure helps you to make decisions based on solid insights. You become aware of the factors influencing your final decision. If you have a structure in which you also measure actual performances, you can decide whether to adjust or not based on that. Moreover, you can learn from it and improve processes.
Encourage the continuous process of a learning organization
Mutual certainties and automatism help to strengthen team intuition. It provides the foundation for top performance, but the ongoing learning process places high demands on the whole team. Everyone must be willing to give it their all. By ensuring your organizational structure is on paper and thus visible, it can also be shared with your team members. What is visible gets attention. What gets attention grows. Only then can you work on the power of repetition.
And a good vision must grow. Moreover, you must continuously sharpen and/or improve it, as our world is changing rapidly. The way of thinking of all team members should happen as much as possible from the same vision. If not, you do not engrave automatism in execution and will never deliver top performances. The clarity that comes with this brings peace and contributes to a good work atmosphere.
A shared vision and insight help anticipate what your team members plan to do. Due to the solidity of mutual expectations, team members can find each other faster. The better you can estimate what is coming your way, the better you are able to take the right measures in time. Avoid running faster when things seem to go wrong. That discourages the continuous process of a learning organization. The message is to work smarter, not harder!
Question: Is your business also a learning organization?