This blog is part of the 9 growth principles of Route ICR
Each week in our blog, we focus on the 9 tips that strengthen teamintuition in your business.
Today's tip 1: “You can only achieve high business growth through the use of staff: teamintuition distinguishes the top from the mediocre, and this needs continuous work.”
Recent studies show that a large group of entrepreneurs do not grow their business significantly or at all. This is because they are hesitant to set ambitious goals. Apparently, one of the reasons is their fear of employing (more) staff. This is unfortunate, of course, because how else will you make those entrepreneurial dreams a reality?
After all, if you know that teamintuition separates the top from the mediocre and that high business growth can only be achieved through the use of staff... then you immediately conclude that teamintuition is the key to high business growth. The good news is that you can develop team intuition, but you must be willing to work on it continuously.
If you don't make a choice, you lose…
But how do you approach this? The daily grind rules most companies, and ignorance is widespread regarding these subjects.
And if this ignorance even leads to fears, then we understand very well why you, as an entrepreneur, are cautious and hesitate to set truly ambitious goals. Because how could you ever achieve those goals if you are constantly afraid of employing (more) staff? But fortunately, there is indeed a solution.
We'll assume for simplicity that you meet the minimum requirements that increase the chances of successful entrepreneurship (see also 1.1 of Successful growth made easy!). Then, a good starting point is to first know very well where you stand and to give direction to where you want to go with your business. Define your playing field and ensure focus. Because if you don't have this clear for yourself, how can you determine and maintain the course? And then it's more than logical that your (future) staff doesn't know what is expected of them...
This step requires vision and courage. Especially since you are making upfront choices about what you WILL actively work on and, therefore, what you will NOT. And that is indeed the only way to create focus in your business operations. Because those who do not choose, lose!
So, make sure you know very well what distinguishes your business from the competition.
Question: How ambitious are the goals you set for your business?