Successful Growth Made Easy!
Successful Growth Made Easy!
in Growth
1 min. leestijd

Successful Growth Made Easy!

Recent publications frequently claim that small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) in the Netherlands are not growing sufficiently. A contributing factor is that many SMB owners are unknowingly incompetent, particularly in organizing and structuring their businesses effectively. But how do you tackle this properly?

The book 'Successful Growth Made Easy!' by Paul Joore shows entrepreneurs the basics of business in a simple way. To ensure the entrepreneur can align all aspects of their business, the author introduces five so-called Growth Circles. By applying these Growth Circles in daily practice, entrepreneurs gain more overview, leading to better decision-making.

Growth in the book refers to both improvement and expansion. Working with the Growth Circles provides a framework to guide employees in the right direction. For success, it's crucial that employees align with the entrepreneur's vision.

The five Growth Circles are logical, clear, and understandable for everyone. Without realizing it, you work within a clear structure, helping you, as an entrepreneur, stay better in control and reducing unnecessary stress in this area. Moreover, using the online tools from makes the process even easier.

At just under 100 pages, 'Successful Growth Made Easy!' requires little time from the busy entrepreneur. Its understandable language and numerous illustrations make it a lively read from start to finish, thus easily comprehensible. This helps every entrepreneur understand how to better organize and structure their business.

As a result, entrepreneurs can trust their organizational skills more, fostering the confidence needed to set more ambitious goals. This, in turn, increases the chances of successful growth for your business, creating even more value for your company!

Over de schrijver
Entrepreneurs take risks and are incredibly important for our economy. Unfortunately, a good balance between work and private life is often lacking. It is precisely this that drives Paul Joore to have a positive impact on the lives of entrepreneurs and contribute to their success. Paul is the ambitious founder of the online Route ICR platform for successful entrepreneurship. He is also the author of the entrepreneurship book ‘Succesvol groeien doe je zo!’ (Successful Growth, How to Do It!). "I believe in setting seemingly unattainable goals. Challenging oneself, innovating, and constantly improving. Supported by a well-structured organization." Paul has tens of thousands of flight hours in the business world, with a background as an entrepreneur, coach, interim manager, and former chartered accountant. Always focusing on realizing challenging goals as effectively and efficiently as possible: in other words, being successful through being inControl, in the entire process from true ambition to result. This only works by thinking, planning, and acting from a goal-oriented structure. In the SME sector, there was a lack of knowledge and experience in this area, and well-thought-out solutions were not available. Therefore, Paul decided to create this himself. In many SME businesses, the 'madness of the day' reigns. As a result, entrepreneurs are not inControl when it comes to achieving goals, let alone challenging ones. Therefore, they also do not realize their true ambition. Worse, for many, this ambition is not even crystal clear. And how can you work towards a goal without having a real one? Logically, there can also be no balance between work and private life. And no balance means no rest. So, the Route ICR web app helps entrepreneurs and teams to be inControl in the entire process from ambition to result. With the ICR "InControlRating" of your business as a growth compass. Very clear and handy to know through one number how your business is and will be doing. So you know whether you will achieve your goals and be successful from this starting point. And if the score is disappointing, you also know what to work on to improve. This way, you gradually work towards a better balance in your life, feel good about yourself, and have a positive mindset! Are you curious? You too can experience the Route ICR web app for 14 days free of charge, without obligations!
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