Successful Entrepreneurship Can Be Learned
Successful Entrepreneurship Can Be Learned
2 min. leestijd

Successful Entrepreneurship Can Be Learned

For most small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), governance is something far away. In other words, measures of good governance are not yet part of daily practice. Particularly explosive growth and/or external demands, for example from an external financier, have changed this to date. Especially to make the likelihood and impact of risks manageable. Oddly enough, because fundamentally every entrepreneur wants to be successful and certainly not fail. Thus, corporate governance aimed at SMEs is actually relevant for every entrepreneur: it is about having control over realizing entrepreneurial ambition. And there's quite a lot involved. Therefore, we will be paying ample attention to this unexplored area in the world of the entrepreneur in the coming period.

Today, Route ICR shares the second article from the series 'How to practically implement SME governance'.

Successful Entrepreneurship Can Be Learned

Amsterdam, July 28, 2021 – Entrepreneurship is simple. But the hardest thing is to keep entrepreneurship simple. But why is that? Let's discuss this in the coming period. We will also explore solutions to this challenge. Today, Route ICR shares the second article in the series 'How to practically implement SME governance'.

The first article discussed five misconceptions about successful entrepreneurship. Ideally, these shouldn’t exist. Unfortunately, the business services industry has been highly fragmented for years. The importance of an integrated approach is often overlooked and perhaps underestimated. It's a pity, as this is truly indispensable for successful entrepreneurship: you can indeed learn to be a successful entrepreneur.

Gaining Control Over Achieving Your Entrepreneurial Ambition

You are successful when you manage to translate your entrepreneurial ambition into results. Therefore, you must ensure you have control over achieving this ambition. This forms the ultimate foundation for shaping SME governance in practice. We will clarify this through the misconceptions mentioned in the first article.

Successful entrepreneurship is impossible without clear goals. Your entrepreneurial ambition should be the basis for focus across your entire organization. This means making choices. Setting them out in a clear strategy. And sticking to it in your operations. Managing expectations with your team of employees. Ensuring insight into performance through clear and reliable reports. So that you know if you are on track to achieve your goals. And adjusting if necessary.

Practical Tool for Improved Performance

Good governance, in essence, is not much more complicated than the above. However, the lack of a practical tool often leads to difficult implementation. A tool that can serve as a guideline to consistently apply this in your company. With the right knowledge & skills to support your operations. And the ability to concisely record your vision (“where do you want your business to go”) & approach (“which route will you follow”). And to adjust them when necessary. It's like a dynamic business plan.

Therefore, there has been a latent need for years that has never been properly addressed. The market does talk about SME governance. But this often remains in the exploratory phase. And entrepreneurs are still not helped by this.

Integrated Management Approach

Fortunately, based on knowledge and experience from existing management models for large corporations, you can get quite far. Through the internet, you can then ensure that a professional approach is accessible and also affordable for SMEs. A solution through a web application containing an integrated management approach as a guideline for your business. To become better as an entrepreneur, team, and organization. Thus, achieving your goals and ultimately realizing your entrepreneurial ambition. Learning by doing as a practical implementation of SME governance!

Over de schrijver
Entrepreneurs take risks and are incredibly important for our economy. Unfortunately, a good balance between work and private life is often lacking. It is precisely this that drives Paul Joore to have a positive impact on the lives of entrepreneurs and contribute to their success.Paul is the ambitious founder of the online Route ICR platform for successful entrepreneurship. He is also the author of the entrepreneurship book ‘Succesvol groeien doe je zo!’ (Successful Growth, How to Do It!). "I believe in setting seemingly unattainable goals. Challenging oneself, innovating, and constantly improving. Supported by a well-structured organization."Paul has tens of thousands of flight hours in the business world, with a background as an entrepreneur, coach, interim manager, and former chartered accountant. Always focusing on realizing challenging goals as effectively and efficiently as possible: in other words, being successful through being inControl, in the entire process from true ambition to result.This only works by thinking, planning, and acting from a goal-oriented structure. In the SME sector, there was a lack of knowledge and experience in this area, and well-thought-out solutions were not available. Therefore, Paul decided to create this himself.In many SME businesses, the 'madness of the day' reigns. As a result, entrepreneurs are not inControl when it comes to achieving goals, let alone challenging ones. Therefore, they also do not realize their true ambition. Worse, for many, this ambition is not even crystal clear. And how can you work towards a goal without having a real one? Logically, there can also be no balance between work and private life. And no balance means no rest.So, the Route ICR web app helps entrepreneurs and teams to be inControl in the entire process from ambition to result. With the ICR "InControlRating" of your business as a growth compass. Very clear and handy to know through one number how your business is and will be doing. So you know whether you will achieve your goals and be successful from this starting point. And if the score is disappointing, you also know what to work on to improve.This way, you gradually work towards a better balance in your life, feel good about yourself, and have a positive mindset! Are you curious? You too can experience the Route ICR web app for 14 days free of charge, without obligations!
Succesvol ondernemen kun je leren | MKB Winstpunt

Succesvol ondernemen kun je leren | MKB Winstpunt

op 05 Aug 2021

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