Many companies want to grow, but because they are not in control, they fail to do so - Part 1 of 2
Veel bedrijven willen groeien, maar omdat zij niet inControl zijn lukt dat niet - deel 1 van 2.
Paul Joore
1 min

Many companies want to grow, but because they are not in control, they fail to do so - Part 1 of 2

1 min

Lack of or limited overview & insight leads to lack of control

In an economy that is running at full speed, growing becomes a lot easier than when facing headwinds. But this doesn't mean that companies are automatically successful in their growth process. Growing bigger also means that different demands are placed on the organization of your company. If you do too little with this, wanting to grow can have a very bitter taste. In two parts, we'll focus on how to prevent this, starting with part 1 today.

Why do we take all safety measures so carefully before we go parachuting? Right! To reduce the risks of accidents and increase the chances of a successful landing. But why then are there entrepreneurs who skip these basics when it comes to achieving their goals? Here too, in the worst case, you could deal a death blow to your business. But being in control as an entrepreneur is still in its infancy.

An important part of the basics is always having an overview and insight. Overview in the sense of knowing where you stand and insight in terms of delivered performance and the expected development of performance. Maintaining an overview is not easy when it's all hands on deck every day of the week. But how can you determine if you're still on course to achieve your goals without an overview? For example, a (sudden) shortage of working capital often occurs and that hurts in every way!

Professional Organization

By making your organization more professional, you maintain an overview and always have insight into the crucial matters that determine the success of your company. This way, you can spot potential obstacles early on and thus steer in time to prevent adverse effects, such as higher costs and/or lower revenue. The bonus is that this also increases the chance of being a financially healthy company, which in turn stimulates the chance of successful growth.

This means that, no matter how big or small your company is, you always need a professional organization to grow successfully. But how do you go about it and where do you start? After all, as an entrepreneur, you can't know everything. You would expect that entrepreneurs would have found a structural solution to this long ago. Nothing could be further from the truth, but fortunately, there is good news!

Because professionalizing is fundamentally about basic matters...

That's it for part 1. Part 2 will soon appear on our website.
