Knowledge sharing maximizes broad prosperity
kennisdeling maximaliseert brede welvaart
What is SME governance?
Paul Joore
What is SME governance?
1 min

Knowledge sharing maximizes broad prosperity

1 min

Knowledge sharing maximizes broad prosperity

"The Future of Our Broad Prosperity: A Podcast Full of Insights and Inspiration." Minister Micky Adriaansens of Economic Affairs and Climate shares her thoughts and dreams for our economy in "Welvaart, de brede podcast" by ESB. It's about everything that makes our society prosperous and how we can maintain that course. It's incredibly enjoyable and enlightening to listen to, my compliments!

Subsequently, I have taken note of the elaborated vision on the Dutch economy, recently published by Micky Adriaansens. I, Paul Joore, would be happy to collaborate with the minister on how to preserve our broad prosperity, particularly through an integrated approach. This approach allows us to focus on the interplay within the entire playing field, leading to more effective and sustainable results

Comprehensive Solution

In the current fragmented landscape, finding a comprehensive solution is more than a challenge. Because this solution should, at the very least, take into account the elements from the following table.


Table 1 Elements contributing to the integral realization of broad prosperity

The question is whether there is even a comprehensive solution that can accommodate all of the above and that we can quickly get started with?

As it turns out... or rather, it's not accidental at all! Because within ICR, we have been working tirelessly over the past few years to build an integrated solution that takes into account all of the above or enables all of the above. It's all the more satisfying to see that the question that has been latent until now has become urgent.

Let's Get to Work

It should also be clear that I am more than willing to work hand in hand with the government and ambitious entrepreneurs to fulfill Micky Adriaansens' vision of preserving broad prosperity. Let's do it!

Link to the podcast:

Link to the document:

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