Getting started with ICR
getting started with icr

Getting started with ICR

Entrepreneurs play a crucial role in our economy, constantly taking risks. Unfortunately, this often comes at the expense of their work-life balance, leading to stress and unrest. Our mission is therefore to help entrepreneurs and organizations find balance and peace, through manageable and controlled growth, with the goal of a healthy organization and sustainable success. We do this through the all-encompassing ICR cycle.

A well-thought-out entrepreneurial ambition

A major cause of this unrest is the lack of knowledge and skills, which should no longer be an issue today. Therefore, ICR concretely supports entrepreneurs in discovering and realizing their true ambitions. This leads to job satisfaction and a healthy work-life balance. When your life is in balance, you have positive energy and feel good.

And it all starts with a clear goal. Without a goal, you are literally aimless. You can't make a plan to achieve success and controlled growth without one. A well-thought-out entrepreneurial ambition is therefore indispensable for an entrepreneur. This is where everything begins, including the ICR cycle. Within the ICR cycle, we progressively sharpen the mindset of both the entrepreneur and the organization, embedding it into your system step by step.

It is wise to understand the background of the ICR approach before diving into the first step of the ICR cycle: entrepreneurial ambition. Additionally, we offer a step-by-step guide for employees to develop a clear employee ambition.

From ambition to results in one online environment. The ICR cycle is well-organized and quickly provides insight into your current status in the entire process. Moreover, it offers visible and demonstrable control over the entire process.

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Challenging yourself, innovating, and constantly improving

Paul Joore, founder of ICR, believes in setting seemingly unattainable goals. This approach encourages you to challenge yourself, continuously seek innovations, and become a better version of yourself. Achieving success in this combination requires a well-thought-out structure and organization.

Given his background as an entrepreneur, coach, interim manager, former certified public accountant, and his passion for helping others advance, it's no surprise that he developed ICR. Entrepreneurs and organizations need structure and clarity, and ICR provides an innovative, practical, and effective solution for this.

Everything you do with the help of ICR is focused on achieving your true entrepreneurial ambitions. By directly applying what you've learned through the practical ICR step-by-step plan, the approach becomes ingrained. You will notice that, step by step, your mindset changes. You continually improve yourself and your organization. This allows you to grow in a controlled manner, ensuring that everything you do optimally contributes to realizing your entrepreneurial ambitions.

Being successful requires a structured approach such as the ICR cycle of the ICR online business software

Unlock Your Path to Sustainable Growth!

For small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), there often lacks the necessary knowledge and experience in goal-oriented thinking, planning, and action. This is despite the fact that entrepreneurs play a crucial role in our economy and frequently take significant risks. Unfortunately, many of them experience an imbalance between work and personal life, leading to unrest.

In this context, Paul is also the author of the book "Unlock Your Path to Sustainable Growth!", where he provides entrepreneurs and employees with accessible explanations about the how and why of ICR. The main goal is to ensure that all involved perform with the same mindset and pursue the same objectives. Challenging goals are only achievable when everyone is on the same page, and that brings peace of mind!

Are you the leader who grows your business?

Professionalism for sustainable success in organizations and companies

Company professionalism through 8 statements

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Expression of sustainable success

Conditions for winning team present/not present

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Manageable and controlled growth for sustainable success

Conditions for goal-oriented entrepreneurship?

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ICR Growthcircles creating structure within the ICR cycle

InControl in the process from ambition to results

In many small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), the "delusion of the day" often takes precedence, leaving entrepreneurs struggling to stay InControl when it comes to achieving their goals, especially ambitious ones. This lack of control means they often fail to realize their true ambitions, which are often not even clearly defined. Without a clear goal, working purposefully is logically impossible, leading to an imbalance between work and personal life, and ultimately, no peace of mind.

The ICR web app assists entrepreneurs and their teams in staying InControl throughout the entire process from ambition to results. The ICR growth compass, featuring the company's ICR "InControlRating," serves as a guide for growth. It provides clarity and convenience by summarizing the company's status in a single score. This score allows you to determine whether you are on track to achieve your goals and be successful. If the score is disappointing, the underlying values also indicate areas where improvements can be made.


ICR work layers

Within the approach, we make the various ICR work layers transparent. This enables you to better align structure and organization with achieving the ultimate goal. In other words, it becomes easier to translate focused goals from the purpose down to the workplace. The 5 ICR growth circles form the foundation for the structure, and the purpose is the ultimate goal. For entrepreneurs, this is their business ambition.

Of course, the ICR approach is not a magic wand. However, it is a comprehensive management methodology. With proper implementation, unprecedented results can be achieved. Step by step, you work towards a better balance in life, creating and maintaining a positive mindset, and a sense of calm and well-being.

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ICR is also available for other organizations

Of course, ICR was created to help entrepreneurs. However, the beauty of the ICR approach is that it works in virtually any organization. For example, it is effective for business units of multinationals, the healthcare sector, (semi-)government organizations, and even foundations. The structure and the step-by-step plan are uniform, though the terminology used may vary slightly depending on the organization.

The main difference in the process from ambition to result is that in other organizations, this ambition does not come from an entrepreneur. Instead, it might originate from the statutes of a foundation, the parent company of a business unit, or the city council of a municipality.

Every organization should apply ICR as a critical success factor

Why every organization should apply ICR as a critical success factor

  • the ICR growth compass is also a communication tool, sharing the organization's strategy, progress, and performance with stakeholders
  • the ICR growth compass is also a communication tool, sharing the organization's strategy, progress, and performance with stakeholders
  • it assists in defining long-term strategy by setting goals and priorities at all levels of the organization
  • using measurable indicators, the ICR growth compass monitors performance and predicts goal achievement
  • provides feedback to assess performance and identify any deviations from the set course
  • encourages a culture of continuous learning and improvement through data-driven best practices and enhancements