The strength of our network is the collaboration between like-minded people
The strength of our network is the collaboration between like-minded people
Our partners are indispensable to our success and that of our clients
The strength of our network is the collaboration between like-minded people
Our partners are indispensable to our success and that of our clients
Making others more successful gives me energy
The Route ICR growth method is a wonderful platform that stands for continuous improvement as a guideline for success. I believe that an external voice is better able to challenge the CEO/Owner and Management Team and thus arrive at a better starting point.
I have become so enthusiastic about this method that I am now a certified ICR business coach and also have an impact on the success of SME entrepreneurs who follow this method.
Our mission is to advise SME entrepreneurs in such a way that there is more peace, structure and insight and better return which ensures value increase of your company.
Rhenesco provides insight into figures, makes you think about your company and lets you focus on realizing your business plan.
Together with you we determine what is really needed to be successful.
Optimal performance of your company and your employees requires perfectly functioning business processes. After all, that is how you can make the difference.
A choice must be made for the most suitable software.
The consultants of Blue People IT have the experience and knowledge to provide you with advice. To help you choose which software package is the most suitable and also to implement the chosen software.
We believe that sharing knowledge leads to structural performance improvements. Because entrepreneurship is a profession. And you can learn a profession, together with your team. First better, then bigger. That's how we look at growth. And we are more than happy to help you in that process. No hourly billing with us. But customization, so that your organization achieves its goals. And does not incur unnecessary costs. You see processes & results improve substantially.
You have ambitious plans for your company, but you also see that things are not going well internally. Perhaps employees find it difficult to keep up with changes, not everyone is in the right place, people do not know what is expected of them. The exact problem is unclear to you, but it is clear that something needs to be done. Because if there is a problem somewhere in your organization, you cannot realize your ambitions.
ICR business coaches bring peace & results!
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