ICR baseline measurement
Baseline measurement to reveal if your organization is ready for sustainable growth and success

Where stands your organization right now?

The ICR 0 measurement tells if your organization is ready for sustainable growth & success

Where stands your organization right now?

The ICR 0 measurement tells if your organization is ready for sustainable growth & success

Being successful requires a structured approach such as the ICR cycle of the ICR online business software

What is a baseline measurement?

A baseline measurement in an organization is an initial assessment conducted to capture the current state or starting point of certain processes, performance metrics, or conditions within the organization. This can involve various aspects such as service quality, customer satisfaction, employee engagement, energy consumption, or other specific business processes. The goal of a baseline measurement is to create a reference point against which future measurements can be compared, allowing the evaluation of progress or the impact of any changes made.
What many users say about the ICR online business software so far

Opinion of users about ICR so far

"A baseline measurement is crucial for establishing an objective starting point, measuring progress, and supporting decision-making within your organization. The ICR (= InControlRating) is a great way to see where you stand as a company ... and to see what you can best work on to improve your company."
Sustainable success hand in hand with balance and peace for people and organizations

ICR baseline measurement

Why an ICR baseline measurement is highly valuable for organizations

Highly valuable

In the context of the ICR approach, conducting an ICR baseline measurement during the initial introduction is highly valuable. The ICR baseline provides rapid insight into where your company currently stands, and therefore, where the potential for improvement lies.

Effectiveness objectively assessed with the ICR baseline measurement for organizations

Effectiveness objectively assessed

By determining where the organization stands at present, the effectiveness of future changes or improvements can be objectively assessed. Without a baseline measurement, it is difficult to determine whether the measures taken have actually been successful.

Understanding performance as a result of the ICR baseline measurement

Understanding performance

A baseline provides a detailed picture of the current situation, which is essential for understanding which aspects of the organization are functioning well and which areas require improvement.

Goals and strategies as a result of the ICR baseline measurement

Goals and strategies

With the data from a baseline measurement, your organization can set targeted goals and develop strategies based on the actual needs and opportunities.

Follow-up measurements to check progress after ICR baseline measurement and executing plan

Follow-up measurements

After implementing changes, follow-up measurements can be conducted to track progress and see if the desired results are being achieved. This helps in making timely adjustments if necessary.

Foundation for transparant reporting about the performance of organizations

Foundation for transparant reporting

In many cases, it is important to demonstrate to stakeholders that the organization is making progress. A baseline measurement provides the foundation for transparent reporting on the results achieved.

Results of a baseline measurement to create a reference point against which future measurements can be compared

Conducting the ICR baseline measurement

  • To conduct the ICR baseline measurement, go to the page with the 5 ICR growth circles.
  • From this overview, for each ICR objective, starting with Objective 1 'This is how we steer the course' go to the rating page.
  • There, assign the rating to your organization that you believe best reflects reality.
  • Be as honest as possible, as this will clearly reveal the areas with improvement potential within your organization.
  • This allows you to map the current situation based on your existing knowledge.
  • You can view the results on your screen through the clear ICR dashboard.
  • Then, use the baseline measurement as the first step in the improvement process for your organization.
  • You will adjust the ratings from that point on based on the current situation within your organization and the steps you take.