What is not visible, does not receive attention

What is not visible, does not receive attention

When I tell people about the online Route ICR App, I often get asked whether entrepreneurs really want to work on their organization. Common responses include, 'there's no time for that,' 'it costs money,' among other clichés. However, there seems to be a reason behind this apparent laxity, which I'd like to share with you.

In response to the question, I always say that if you have real ambition as an entrepreneur, you must do everything to be successful. Just as top athletes push themselves to the limit to perform on the day of competition, entrepreneurs must also take their 'sport' seriously. So that they are always ready for their ideal customers.

Ideally, you became an entrepreneur to make customers happy. And happy customers tell others how glad they are to buy from you. This increases business and leads to the growth of your company. But this can only happen if your organization grows, if your team improves bit by bit.

Visualize 'the organization'

In practice, it often turns out that not being able to visualize 'the organization' results in it receiving little or no attention. In other words: what is not visible, gets no attention. It's not laxity, but a understandable reason for not continually working on your organization. The solution is to make 'the organization' visible in a practical way. Therefore, always work from a fixed and recognizable structure. This is the basis for increasingly better focus, which you translate into all processes. Accept that working on your organization is a dynamic process. It never ends. The world changes, so your organization must adapt in time!

Personally, I get a lot of satisfaction from working with entrepreneurs who want to get the most out of their organization. Just like top athletes, they leave nothing to chance in pursuing their ambition. It's no coincidence that the Route ICR approach proves its added value for this group every day. Essentially, you aim, just like the Dutch national team under Koeman, for built-in certainties and automatics to deliver top performances. So that in your business, everything is done right the first time, on time, and at the lowest cost. Therefore, reserve time weekly in your (and your teammates') schedule to work on this step by step. This way, you will grow as a team and as a business!