What is an in control statement (ICS)?
In Control Statement supported by the ICR online business software

What is an In Control Statement (ICS)?

With the ICR (= InControlRating) you also substantiate your In Control Statement

What is an In Control Statement (ICS)?

With the ICR (= InControlRating) you also substantiate your In Control Statement

ICR online business software encourages collaboration

Software encourages collaboration

ICR online business software works for all growth phases of an organization

For all growth phases of an organization

ICR online business software is an integrated management & control system

Integrated management & control approach

What is an In Control Statement (ICS)?

An ICS (= InControlStatement) is a declaration in which the management board takes responsibility for the quality of internal control. This means that the processes aimed at achieving the organization's objectives are effectively managed, or "In Control." It is a component of overall SME governance, representing good management practices for small and medium-sized enterprises.

With an ICR (In Control Rating) of 1 or 2, you as a manager declare that the risk management and control system is adequately set up and has functioned effectively (effective operation must be demonstrable). With an ICR of 4 or 5, this cannot be assured, and with an ICR of 3, it depends on the specific situation and associated performance scores of the ICR objectives.

To achieve an ICR 1, your organization must score an average of higher than 9 across all objectives. An ICR 1 indicates that your organization is nearing perfection and is therefore minimally vulnerable. In other words, your organization is optimally In Control.

To achieve an ICR 2, your organization must score an average of higher than 8 across all objectives. An ICR 2 indicates that your organization is sufficiently to well-organized and is therefore less vulnerable. In other words, your organization is sufficiently to well In Control.

Why you should work with the ICR Online Business Software

Why you should work with the ICR online business software
  • I want software that's easy to use, so my team can get started quickly without extensive training.
  • I want software that can grow with my business, so I don't have to keep looking for new solutions as we expand.
  • I want manageable and controlled growth for sustainable success.
  • I want a solution that helps not only with daily operations but also with my company's long-term strategy.
  • I need to trust that I'll get help quickly if I encounter problems with the software.
  • I want software that stays updated with the latest technologies and helps us stay ahead in the market.
  • I'm looking for a solution that offers good value for money. I don't want to pay for unnecessary features.
  • I want to work with a brand I can trust and that has proven itself in the market.
  • I want balance and peace in our organization.


In Control Statement and ICR

With an ICR 1 or 2, you declare as a director that the risk management and control system has been set up adequately and has worked effectively (the requirement is that effective operation can be demonstrated). With an ICR 4 and 5, this is not possible and with an ICR 3 it depends on the specific situation and associated report figures of the ICR objectives.

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Manageable and controlled growth for sustainable success

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