Bridging the Expectation Gap with Route ICR: Team Intuition is the Key to High Business Growth
Verwachtingskloof dichten met Route ICR
Growth Principles
Paul Joore
Growth Principles
2 min

Bridging the Expectation Gap with Route ICR: Team Intuition is the Key to High Business Growth

2 min

Bridging the Expectation Gap with Route ICR: Team Intuition is the Key to High Business Growth

High business growth is impossible without the commitment of staff. We all understand that. However, the problem is that many entrepreneurs are afraid to employ (more) staff. Therefore, they also hesitate to set high business growth as a goal. The reason is the expectation gap between the entrepreneur and the employee. This gap must be bridged.

Management often thinks that employees are self-sufficient and do exactly what is best for the company. On the other hand, employees think that expectations should be made clearer to them by management. This expectation gap also leads to unnecessary and unconscious waste of time, energy, and money.

If there is an expectation gap, logically, a shared vision and approach can never arise. And you can forget about team intuition. Therefore, you must continuously work together on a shared vision and approach to be successful together. Only then can you grow significantly, as team intuition distinguishes the top (high growth) from the mediocre (no high growth).

Teamintuition is, therefore, the key to high business growth. But how do you actually develop team intuition in your company? Very simple, through the online Route ICR web application. An online application as a solution, you might wonder… let us explain.

Route ICR Web App

Route ICR is a SAAS solution. For you as a customer, this means that you do not need to purchase Route ICR software. Instead, you subscribe to a (easily cancellable) subscription. Route ICR takes care of installation, maintenance, and management, and you use the Route ICR web application. We can't make it more accessible than this!

Route ICR stands for Route InControlRating (ICR) and guides entrepreneurs and companies on the challenging path of substantial growth. Route ICR is your online growth compass and growth process guide in one. With Route ICR, you work as a team 24/7 on a shared vision and approach. In this way, you continuously develop and strengthen the team intuition in your company.

Through the growth compass, the InControlRating provides support and direction by telling you in every growth phase of your company whether your business is in shape to grow successfully or not. And with your own Route ICR account, you have access 24/7 to exactly the knowledge and management skills you need to successfully manage your company's growth process. This lays the foundation for better internal communication, better expectation management, and thus better team performance.

Bridging the Expectation Gap Between Entrepreneur and Employee

And only in this way, you can gradually bridge the expectation gap between entrepreneur and employee. As a result, the fear of employing (more) staff disappears. Moreover, there is less waste of time, energy, and money. And, of course, this leads to trust and comfort, allowing you as an entrepreneur to aim for high business growth and to create structurally (much) more value.

With the 14-days trial subscription, you can get acquainted with Route ICR. Let yourself be surprised and experience how an online solution can help you gain more control over your company's growth process. Because with a little help, you as an entrepreneur and company can do much more yourself than you think!
